Sunday, January 12, 2014


We have been away for cricket once again this time for Country Cup U14's in Adelaide.  I'm so happy to be home for a few days before we head off early in the morning once again for cricket.

While in Adelaide we went to the 20/20 big bash, we were in the nose bleeds section of the southern stand but it was pretty cool to watch the game.

Sophie ate the first apricot of the season from our tree.

While cutting back the herb garden this morning, I looked up to see this wonderful creature.

We gave Heidi a bath today, she really doesn't like them, poor girl.

Last night I finished my 2014 title page for Project Life.  I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out.

Enough from me, I have to finish cooking muffins and other goodies for cricket tomorrow.  Thanks for visiting.


  1. Lovely photos Sue. Seems like you are much busier than I am at the moment, lol.

  2. Love your title page :) I've seen so many awesome title pages the last few days while catching up on blogs and I have NO idea which one I am going to "steal" for my own. Maybe none of them at this rate...


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Have a lovely day :)