Wednesday, November 23, 2011


hmmm last night I was thinking to myself "this really doesn't look right" and I was correct in that assumption. Here is the start of my failed stool cover, but lucky for me, Sophie loves it and is using it as a blanket for a bunny I made a few years ago.
The thing is, I should have taken notice of my first thoughts about making these covers instead of second guessing myself and this one would have turned out fine. I contacted Becci who happens to be really good at crochet and she told me what I had been thinking to begin with about how to add the stitches, so I knew I was now ready to tackle another cover today.

Here is the difference between the two.
I can't wait to finish one and admire my work.


Hi, I love reading your comments and if I don't reply to all of them, please know I appreciate every one.
Have a lovely day :)