Wednesday, October 26, 2011


It's a funny word and a funny thing. It disappears then can slowly make it's way back or comes back with a bang!

For the last week I seem to have lost my mojo, it's resting and I'm okay with that. I know it will be back, I feel it starting to emerge as the ideas start to poke their heads through my ultra busy life once again.

I cleaned up my sewing room in readiness for my mojo to return and when it does, I will be ready for it.

Take care readers, I will be back soon xxx


  1. AMEN to that!! I hate it when it just up and disappears! But love your attitude - and preparing for it's reappearance! :D Oohh.. and just in love with your word tumbler quilt top!


Hi, I love reading your comments and if I don't reply to all of them, please know I appreciate every one.
Have a lovely day :)