Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Wow, I have just spent the last 1 1/2 days taking photos and updating my Etsy and Madeit sites. Everything is on Etsy and Madeit should have everything later tonight.

Here's an example of what you will find over there.

reversible baby shoes


burp cloths

binky blankets

baby wraps


notepad covers


pencil rolls

Just click on the links to the right of the screen to see the rest.


  1. Wow you've been busy, how do you find the time to make all those things. Love the horsey fabric and the notepad fabric.

  2. yes, you have been very busy! I also like the fabric you used for your notepads!

  3. well, I can't not say the following words, so any of you with delicate ears or eyes should just look away right now......




    that should be sufficient room to leave so I don't offend anyone who doesn't wish to see such foul words....


    HOLY F%CK!!

    what a lot of stuff you got finished there SUE!
    good job. I like those baby shoes. cute...
    I wish I could see your stuff IRL cause I would like to purchase some of it but don't know what the fabric is like.

    what kind of material did you use for the burp cloths?

  4. Wow Sue, it all looks beautiful. I love those little shoes..too cute!


Hi, I love reading your comments and if I don't reply to all of them, please know I appreciate every one.
Have a lovely day :)