Wednesday, September 4, 2013

We have had the most beautiful weather for the beginning of Spring, I've spent most of it out in the garden preparing beds, weeding and sowing seed.
There are trays of seed in the hothouse holding tomatoes, capsicum, basil, eggplant and brassicas.  I've planted dwarf broad beans, sugarsnap and snowpeas and lettuce seed in the raised beds and over in the herb garden I've weeded and thrown down some parsley, chives and oregano seed.

Here's what I picked yesterday and ate for tea, the first of my asparagus and some yummy broccoli.

See my plan of our back garden, this is how I keep account of what has gone where and when.

My seed box, I love my seed box, it will be very full once again when my Eden Seeds order arrives.

what's happening in your Spring garden?


  1. What a good idea your seed box is!

  2. Thanks Rose, I love it. Me and a friend got together a few years ago and made them.

  3. Love your seed box too,

    just planted heritage tomatoes, more silver beet, fancy lettuce 7 on the look out for rocket, never grown it so will have to google where to get seeds


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Have a lovely day :)