Saturday, December 8, 2012


......pretty average I have to say.

I did a lot of this
....and quite a bit of other stuff that I'm grateful my darling did not capture on camera.

Gastro hit me in a big way and I'm still not that well but at least I've stopped vomiting and, well the other end stuff.   I tried my first solid food in 3 days and kept the dry toast down so I'm taking that as a positive step.

Anyway since this is a craft blog, I'm just letting anyone in the Mt Gambier area know that I will be having 25% off stall wide tomorrow @ the Mt Gambier Library Arts & Crafts Market.   Come on down and grab some Chrissy presents and have a chat, I promise I'm not contagious anymore.

Market is 11am to 4pm Sunday 9/12/12.

Oh, want to see my early present?
I hope to have lots more fun with it when I'm better.   Right now I'm in the middle of Lachie's party, then Sophie's on Monday night, what a time to get sick.

Have a good weekend.


  1. I hope you are on the mend Sue!

  2. Glad to hear you are on the mend - gastro at this time of year - what a nightmare!

    Cheers - Joolz

  3. glad you are starting to feel better Sue! don't overdo it! take care :)

  4. Good to hear your starting to feel better- gastro is no fun at all

  5. what yuckiness but glad to hear you're feeling stronger. the camera looks very interesting,

  6. Hi Sue- thanks for coming to see me at Made at Number your new toy- would love to see you review it after a bit of a play :-)


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Have a lovely day :)